Tag Archives: blog

Cosa vuol direfare rete

Fare rete non serve a nulla se non viene fatto con i giusti strumenti e con i giusti progetti.
Fare rete vuol dire coinvolgere tramite le moderne tecnologie e non solo chi ruota attorno ad un unico interesse per amplificarlo e renderlo più importante, più completo.
Fare rete non vuol dire necessariamente fare spam di un’iniziativa.
Fare rete significa definire un progetto peculiare di quali siano i canali vincenti per aggregare i contenuti di maggior interesse per tutti.
Fare rete significa essere costantemente aggiornati sulle tecnologie vincenti in un dato momento storico.
Fare rete vuol dire comprendere che oggi web design, ecommerce, social networking e social marketing sono concetti di cui nessuno può fare a meno.
Fare rete. E perchè no? Almeno proviamoci!


Mal d'Africa and Araba Spring

Windows-Live-Writer_Primavera-araba-il-ruolo-dei-social-netw_7E72_Twitter-Egypt-revoluti_optToday I spoke with a person who is on a mission to Ethiopia. From his tales of desperate mothers, children who die of hunger and thirst, villages reduced in complete misery I was reminded of the idea of ​​Google these days to fly over Africa with airships to provide connectivity to the African people. And I thought: this is really what they need to African? Have among their priority the social connectivity? Surely not. Certainly, the developing countries need before others beni.Hanno need bread. They need water. Of medicines. But the network still think can Continue reading

History of blog…


The phenomenon began to take hold in 1997 in America; the 18 July 1997, was chosen as the symbolic date of birth of the blog, referring to the development, by the U.S. Dave Winer, the software that allows the publication (we speak of proto-blog).
The first blog was actually published 23 December of the same year, grazie a Jorn Barger, an American businessman hunting enthusiast, who decided to open their own personal page RobotWisdom to share the results of his research on the web about his hobby; coined the word weblog to describe the list of links on the website. In the spring of 1999 Peter Merholz instead proposed the abbreviation blog on his website Peterme.com. Continue reading